Tuesday, April 18, 2006

There are Those Days

There are days when a single subject grabs you by the arm and forces you to write about it. And then there are days when the news is so overwhelming that you can only ask, "What in the hell are we doing?"

As I perused through over 30 RSS feeds after midnight, I grew evermore aware just how screwed we are today. I even started to do a post entitled, "A Dark and Dreary Day". How much BS can we put ourselves through and still function? Here is a small outline of the more menacing components of the day.

1.) The bombing in Tel Aviv is of course an outrage as well as a terrific tragedy, but do most people really understand the ramifications here? Put aside Israel and the PA for a moment and take a good look at the players here folks! Iran and Qatar are subsidizing the Hamas to the tune of 100 mil, Syria is knee deep in implications, and the US is calling for a condemnation of any and all involved, whilst, lest we forget, rattling sabers at Iran for other purposes.
This is the first time when a "Terrorist State", such as Palestine under Hamas rule, is acting upon the direction of a Democratically Elected Government! According to the directives set forth by Bush and the Neocons, we have no grounds for interference here, the people have spoken, the lines are drawn, and the 'Big Brother ' actually has no say here. Think that's gonna make a difference. Shudder to think...

2.)Condy Rice is backing Israel in appearance, just by following through on her previously stated desire for "armed intervention" plans if Iran continues with it's nuclear plans in place. Power positioning with Iran over nuclear arms, like we really need to see the first World War of the 21st century unfold in our lifetimes.

3.) Journalist Carl Bernstein is actually making perfect sense in calling for a "Watergate-like" investigation into the honesty and integrity of the Bush administration's actions in and leading up to the Iraq War and Katrina response. "What did the president know, and when did he know it", the now infamous question asked 32 years ago by then Senator Howard Baker of Tennessee, who will ask Bush this in regards to these actions in recent times? Were there lies told? Was there information withheld? Could Mr. Bernstein be right twice in a row, 32 years apart? A "Live Poll" on MSNBC has a landslide 93% voting Yes to "This administration has hidden and manipulated information at every turn. It must be called to account." All but 7% !!! Given the margin for error, that is perilously close to a complete consensus of the entire nation!

4.)Power shortages caused rolling blackouts in Texas to prevent a grid failure, I'm talking Texas! Where the heck does a major portion of our power supply come from? Is this another failure of regulation? ERCOT is the company charged with maintaining that part of the grid, along with managing financial settlement for the hundreds of market participants in Texas' deregulated wholesale bulk power and retail electric market. Is this another Enron in the making? We cannot take appropriate measures to avoid this kind of thing in one of the largest states in this country, and we are busying ourselves in the f'ing Desert across the world from here? Not to mention the oil pipelines mess in Alaska. What the hell are we doing?!

5.) Donald Rumsfeld is on the ropes, I don't care what Bush says, the posturing is there. Take it from an ex-Republiscam, I know how these guys operate, the roaches are running from Donnie's kitchen faster than if a triple dose of De con extra gold had been sprayed. I will go on record here and now, D Rummy has less than six weeks left in his current job. Period. End of statement on this cesspool.

It is a very, very dangerous and tumultuous time here folks. I was only a little guy when the Nixon debacle played out for all to see, maybe 10, 11, 12 years old? This is scary stuff if you really take it in. The bar has raised since 'Nam. The costs are incalculably higher and much more personal. We stand alone -- no U.N. Security Council backing, no Tony Blair, no France as always, no prayer in Hell of truly expecting Israel to be rational.

Damn, I am so very glad that the wonderful government of these United States spent the money in the '50's and 60's to educate me on how to fear the "A" bomb, bend over, and kiss my ass goodbye. What will my children do though?

Oh well, I guess I will take the Gov's lead and spend today, worry tomorrow. As if tomorrow is guaranteed. Yeah, right.

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