Friday, May 12, 2006

On A Vote Of 396-31

And the little weasel still balks! What balls this guy has, the House votes, and the Decider decides, where did Democracy fail? I know he defied the popular vote in getting to the White House, but at some point the overwhelming voice of the people takes precedence, right?

The House passed a Defense Bill of $512.9 billion dollars on Thursday, and the Great Whiners of Pennsylvania Avenue want to say nay? I think the people have spoken your honor, please tell the defendant to sit down and quit disrupting the procedings! The bill includes a 2.7% pay raise that Poor George the 2nd says is too steep, a raise that probably won't even keep abreast of this administration's ever rising price of gas.

Another frivolous expenditure is the keeping of our fleet of 12 aircraft carriers, you know, the ones we never see on CNN everytime Georgy Boy throws a temper tantrum at some 'evil-doer' who threatens to take his toys and go home. Lord knows we can certainly do without them right now with the only potential new rift we have being in Iran. Heck, we can just nuke those bastards, who needs carriers?

Oh, and my 'fav' is the threat to veto the bill if the Pentagon suppliers are called upon to buy American! That certainly makes sense, why depend upon quality, safe and secure American defense products, when we are cheating ourselves out of perfectly good French components, we all know how well they have always shown their best capabilities of defending themselves from, well, er, uh, droughts in the vinyards? There is also seemingly a vast amount of used Russian products out there for cheap, ask Iran.

And Lord knows that the House called for "jamming devices" to act as counter measures to the ever popular roadside bombs in Iraq, are well, downright wasteful. Have these folks got a freaking clue? I really don't know quite how to respond to this. 396-31 you omnipotent exaulted bastard! Game, Set, Match. Over. You lose! America wins, don't you get it, or do you even try anymore, Dear Mr. President.

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Blogger jmsjoin said...

Democracy started to fail when someonme in this country made the mistake of thinking they could apply it to Bush. He has been shoving it up out asses ever since. Democracy like laws is an inconvenience that has to be dealt with in order to get what he wants.
The overwhelming voice of the people is worthless to a deaf man. As you point out, he is the Decider and He is the only one in the country that matters. As he has said himself, what any one else thinks or says does not matter to him. He is going to do what he thinks is right.
Voice of the people be damned!
I happen to think that whether we need them or not our Aircraft Carriers are going to be essentially worthless when we do need them.
we will be facing not only Iran but a Tri-Pact. Russia, china, and Iran, will form a more than adequate foe. We also will not be able to financially break China as Reagan did to Russia and Bush stupidly thinks he is going to do with China.
As for the defense of our troops and the furtherance of the American people.
They are secondary to Bush's new world order.The rest of the world has to be brought up to new standards and you as legal American citizens must be prepared to sacrifice in order to help the rest of the world.
The decider has Decided! Game, Set, Match, Over. As I have been pointing out since he first snuck illegaly into office,America loses!
You watch! The America we all grew up with, loved, and wanted to pass on to future generations, is no more.
We can try to get it back but the Decider has decided there is something better and he is going to force it down our throats for our own good likt it or not!

Fri May 12, 01:48:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

It will take us decades to undo the damage this asshat has done.

Fri May 12, 02:36:00 PM 2006  

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