Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Libyan Smoke And Mirrors

It's all done with smoke and mirrors folks, smoke and mirrors. While we slept with dreams of Guardsmen on the Border dancing in our heads, while the GOP made an otherwise boring nay statement to Bush's plan. While the blogosphere followed the lead of the almighty main stream media and thumped upon their copies of the President's all too rare use of prime time airwaves. We were once again duped by the best. A little stunning at times, if you stop and think about it, a little stunning how very, very good these guys are.

I watch the wires, check my NewsGator feeds, pay a little attention to the drones (CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, FOX), and otherwise follow along daily. I noticed the AP report on Libya and restoring ties, the MSM version that is, the one floated in American Press circles. I didn't think a whole lot about it, other than a little suspicious twinge just below my left collar bone, the kind that makes you notice, but doesn't stop your heartbeat. So I continued on, but with a watchful eye for correlating stories. It was well after dinner when I was checking the fringe stories, from out of the country sources, that I ran across this piece here.

U.S. oil firms stand to gain from renewed ties with Libya
By Barry Schweid The Associated Press

And the smoke began to drift away. As if the sun had risen and a fogbank melted into oblivion. What a score on the part of Fox news and G.W. and Friends! In the first article, widely distributed and put forth here by Fox, the move towards relations being restored is referred to as a response to Libya's stellar new stance on terrorism.

"We are taking these actions in recognition of Libya's continued commitment to its renunciation of terrorism," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in a statement. She said Tripoli's cooperation in combating international terrorism has been "excellent."

In a piece consisting of 693 words, a mere 34 words, 2 simple lines were devoted to the presence of an Oil Angle. The author or editor probably, saw fit to include only this micro snippet in regards to any Oil implications.

The administration's decision also comes at a time when it is attempting to shore up relations with major oil producers because of high prices and a shortage of supplies. Libya has substantial oil reserves.

The mirrors are now glaring a little too obviously in the noonday sun. Enter the second article, not widely read in the MSM, originating in a rag out of France, God bless the frogs, but that's another story. This post, as I highlighted earlier cuts straight to the chase! Halliburton here we come! This truth has the Big Dick smeared all over it, with blatant Bush hairs to boot! This has been a story in the making since 1986. The U.S. broke ties with Libya in 1980, and according to records, four U.S. Oil Companies have had unused oil leases secured since 1986.

Four big American companies, Occidental Petroleum, ConocoPhillips, Marathon Oil and Amerada Hess, for about 20 years have held leases on Libyan oil and gas reserves.

Now by my calculations, that was some six years after the US broke ties and banned trade with the terrorist state of Libya. I bet those unfulfilled and very risky oil leases came at a much discounted bargain price, since the fruit they had to bear was almost pointless it seemed, for decades? And suddenly Bush and friends saw wisdom in relaxing restraints in 2004, allowing the foray into production to crawl forward? After all,

Since the initial U.S. investment ban was implemented, European, Canadian, Indian, Chinese and Australian companies have invested consistently in Libya, and they have ramped up the pace of engagement especially in the past five years.

Which brings up an interesting side note, how do four Major Oil Companies acquire oil leases in a "terrorist State" post 9/11, while the US has an investment ban in place? Halliburton has even secured rights to bring in sensitive equipment to play, even while Congress has 45 days to deny this action by the administration. Right, wrong, or indifferent,

Peter Lichtenbaum, who oversaw trade controls until February as assistant secretary of commerce, said that the renormalization of ties would remove the need for licenses for some equipment.

Assuming that Congress does not disapprove of Libya's removal from the State Department's terror list in the 45 days that are allowed for review, "the oil companies will send whatever they want to send for their operations," Lichtenbaum, an international lawyer with Steptoe & Johnson in Washington, said.

Another control being lifted, he said, was one imposed by energy legislation enacted last summer. It barred the shipment abroad of devices that could be part of a nuclear program that companies like Halliburton normally use to explore for oil.

"That potentially was going to shut down U.S. companies' ability to explore for oil," he said.

In essence, the damage is done, and if Congress does react against this measure, then the Big Oil companies can simply sell their wares and knowledge, or worse, sublet their skills to any other foreign nation bidding. That is "foreign nation" as you and I would define, to these guys, it is all just one big economic conglomerate. This is very serious and disturbing folks, and it was all done with smoke and mirrors.

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