American Excess, Don't Leave Home Without It

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Technorati Tags:
War, Bush, Tal Afar, Tax Dollars, Cost of War, Human Cost of War, Tony Blair, Video, Flash, blogs
A perspective on life, sometimes humorous, sometimes critical, yet always thoughtful. A view from the "bottom", rather than the one from the "top" that everyone so clamors for. A realistic view for those not too timid to peak.
Major kudos to Steve O at "Bring it On!" for technical assistance witht his piece.
You rock Steve O!
Wait until you see the sequel! Thanks Tom
Very powerful imagery. War is easy to support from the comfort of one's living room. I think the "Iraq is the happiest place on earth" crowd should spend one day in Baghdad without a military escort and see if that leads to some clarity.
I could not have put it any better. I was at Wampum the other day voting on BIO as the best site, and I saw a vote with a comment from one of our right handed brethren, he actually posted "Give War A Chance". I would love to give him just 5 or 6 of the photos I've collected and won't post...much less 5 minutes in the real war.
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