Liars Cut And Run, Marines Never Do
Schmidt apparently made an "oopsy" when she claimed on her website that she had two college degrees when in fact she holds only one. Graduate Emeritus Pre-emptus? What a joke, she actually claims that she never knew of the contents of her website. Right, have you ever heard of a Pole-Cat-icion who did not have the innate ability to quote verse and scripture, every single morsel of press they ever received? Backwards while ice dancing with the local Bear? Come on folks!
"After a media call to the university revealed she had not, she said she had completed the course work for an education degree but had not received one, said her lawyer, William Todd."
I know this was a short clip from the news today, and yes I hail from Texas, live in Florida, and have absolutely no ties to Ohio. (There was that woman who attended Waffle House University with me, I digress) Wake up! Here we go again, one more time, one more Republican, one more lie. Is this a new prerequisite to the party from which I so adamantly defended a year ago?
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Congress, GOP, Schmidt, Murtha, Lies, Reprimands