Thursday, March 15, 2007

Here piggie, piggie, piggie!!!!

Rep. John Carter (R) of Texas, landed a stinger missle directly on target in session today. When discussing the House bill funding emergency war supplemental issues, the Honorable Mr. Carter stated with eloquence
Mr. CARTER. There is talk that the $100 billion war supplemental will include an extra $20 billion in goodies. Such projects are seemingly irrelevant to the mission our soldiers are expected to carry out. For example:

$60 million for the California and Oregon salmon fishery disaster of '06;

$400 million for timber revenue program in Oregon;

$400 million in low-income home energy assistance for State grants;

$448 million unrequested funds for State children's health insurance programs, and;

a half a billion dollars for wildfire management and suppression.

Now, these are valuable projects, but they don't belong in an emergency war supplemental. They appear to be nothing more than an attempt to buy votes at the expense of our soldiers in the war on terror. The supplemental is meant to be an emergency troop funding vehicle and there is no excuse for $20 billion worth of pork in that supplemental.

A State fishery program in an emergency war supplement? WTF? Kudos to John Carter from my great State of Texas, even if you are a Republican!!

He closed his one minute rant with a simple statement and proposition
Let this Congress respect our soldiers and deny this pork.