Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Breakfast Club

Breakfast with Donald! No, it is not a new Disney attraction, although the slapstick is sure to come... Rumsfeld had breakfast with Armed Services Chairman John Warner, R-Va., and others to discuss how Bush et al have diminished our military ratings for combat readiness. Breakfast!! How dare these omnipotent assholes share quiche and fruit while our sons and daughters are living a nightmare on earth as ill-equiped soldiers in mortal fucking combat!

If you don't like the cost of war, get the hell out!!!!!! When are we going to learn? When are we going to strike a blow and make a change?!?! Just because a century of power has gone to the rich and famous, does not mean we have to continue giving our all to the ready for prime time guys!! It is high time that someone read the news, throwup, and do something meaningful about it!

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