Open Mouth, Insert Size 17 Rollerskate
How very Tom Delay-ish. I am not a proponent of the Republican party, nor am I tilting to 'port' on my axis, I just believe that foul politics are just that, foul. Why oh why, can a man on an "ethics comittee" allow himself to be outed like this? I did not ask how, for I know the answer there, it is politics. Rather I ask why. Why does the DNC so eloquently self destruct every single time? How is it that this party of foibles can continue to be the GOP's best friend, every single time!
It was reported a couple of weeks ago, that Mollohan apparantly guided millions of dollars towards some non-profit groups in his district, The Wall Street Journal says a good portion of that went clandestinely into related campaign contribution organizations. While a Democratic leader said that Rep. Mollohan stepped down with pressure from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, she is quoted as saying
"The allegations against Congressman Mollohan originate from the National Legal and Policy Center, which engages in highly partisan attacks on Democrats. The attacks are an attempt to deflect attention from the long list of Republican criminal investigations, indictments, plea agreements and resignations which have resulted from the reported long-term and extensive criminal enterprise run out of House Republican leadership offices."
Too little, too late. Damage done, wipe a good portion of the slate clean for the GOP. Contrary to some beliefs, I am not a staunch fan of the Democratic party, quite the opposite, it is stunts like this that have forced me to choose the lesser of two evils in all too many elections. I want to believe, I want things to get better. I truly feel the GOP, and the Bush administration are wrong in their platform, wrong in their tactics, and wrong for their deceptions. Yet here we are on the otherside of a very tarnished coin. I truly wish that an Independant party could have a real chance of doing more than just being the spoiler for whomever is the weaker of these monolithic moron parties at the moment.
My question is, can America take on any of it's larger issues in an election without prior multinational corporation influence? Is the dream really just a dream? Wouldn't it be nice if, say the Governor's race in Texas, could be a model for a National venue? One where the weekest link, the Dem's in Texas for example, would just simply step away and let history take it's course? Wishful thinking, I know, but back to my point. The World laughed and screamed when Dick Chaney shot his friend in the face. I am much more taken aback with the accuracy in which the DNC has shot itself in the foot.
Technorati Tags:
DNC, GOP, U.S. Rep. Alan Mollohan, Ethics, Pelosi